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WMW Newsletter n.01/2011, Solidarity with Arab people on 20th March

It is already available the 2011 first edition of our newsletter, with news and photos of the 08th March 2011, the WMW International Committee meeting, the WMW participation in the WSF 2011 (including the results and present challenges that DRC women are facing after our 3rd International Action), the WMW International Committee meeting, the Feminist Youth Camp in Europe and the Americas Working Group Meeting. Click in the following links to download the PDF version (with pictures) in: English; Spanish; French; Portuguese
Or click to read the html version.

General mobilisation on 20 March 2011 to support the revolutionary process in the Arab world!
At the WSF 2011, we agreed at the Social Movements Assembly to have a journey on the 20th March in solidarity with the arab peoples struggles. This solidarity has been expressed in many of the action we have already held to celebrate the International Women’s day and also in the ones we will hold in the next days untill the end of March.  We invite you to read the call to action for this day, which has already been widely spread.

Check as well the provisory list of actions already scheduled in different.

We ask all the WMW activists to join efforts in this day to defend the Arab peoples right to decide about their future autonomously, without the interference of the foreign imperialist forces.
We also ask you to send us news on the mobilizations and other activities that are going to take place in your country on the 20th, in solidarity with the Arab peoples, to the email  with a copy to:

Last modified 2011-03-18 10:00 PM
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