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17th October: towards the Third International Action!

WMW National Coordination Bodies commemorate this 17th October (International Day for the Elimination of Poverty) with actions, workshops and other kind of activities. Besides celebrating a day of struggle in the life of our movement, these actions help in mobilizing and preparing the Thrid International Action, which will be carried out from 8th March to 17th October 2010. The same was the main subject discussed during the WMW International Committee (IC) meeting, held at the beginning of the month in Quebec City. The current social, economical and political world situation was debated at the meeting as well as the communication strategy and the mobilization towards 2010 in the various continents.

In this week, from 20th to 25th October, a first international visit to prepare the activity which will close the 2010 action takes place in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Besides the sister of different regions in DRC, Nana Aicha Cissé, from the IC, Miriam Nobre, International Secretariat coordinator, and Awa Ouedraogo, from Burkina Faso will be at the meetings. The working program includes visits to assess local logistics, meetings with local groups and other moments to debate and define details of the working plan towards 2010 event.

Another important moment in the calendar of mobilizations of this week, in which the WMW will be also present, is the first International Trade Union Confederation World’s Women Conference, which takes place on 19th-20th October, in Brussels, Belgium, gathering more than 400 women trade union leaders from all over the world.

Finally, it takes place on 24th and 25th October the WMW European Regional Coordination Meeting in Thessalonica, Greece, where our sisters from Europe will discuss their plan of actions in national and regional level for 2010.

Last modified 2009-10-19 12:53 PM
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