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Women struggling for Climate Justice

This 7th December, the World March of Women joins thousands of people affected by and concerned for the destruction of the environment, farmers, landless peasants, indigenous people and activists of all social sectors and takes to the streets in Cancun (Mexico) as well as in other parts of the world as part of La Via Campesina's Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.

This action is part of the thousands of activities performed worldwide in the “Thousands of Cancun's.” Actions are happening in Latin America, Asia, Europe, Africa and in the United States and Canada. They include public meetings, forums and sit-in's. It is estimated that these actions and events will bring together more than 1 million people. Visit the Thousands of Cancun webpage to see a list of the all actions being carried out, as well as pictures, posters and other audiovisual materials.

Climate change has impacts on communities and peoples around the planet, but, once again, women are hardest hit. These impacts are consequence of the place women occupy in patriarchal and capitalist society and the tasks that are assigned to them by the sexual division of labor. The environmental crisis is one side of a systemic crisis of a social reproduction model based on the commodification of peoples and their relationship with the nature and among themselves.

In opposition to this predatory model, we struggle for a world where the sustainability of human life is at the center of economic and political organization. We struggle for a responsible people's relationship with nature, where food and energy sovereignty are ensured. Our struggle is for a society without oppression, in which men and women are responsible for the production and reproduction of life. We struggle for a world where men and women can live with dignity and where women’s freedom and autonomy are always present!

Click to read more about impacts of climate change on women and our responses: English, Spanish

Last modified 2010-12-07 06:52 PM
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