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Building Peace

Building Peace

The World March of Women will be present at the World Peace Forum that will take place from June 23 - 26 in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada). On June 27, Luisa Durante, member of the Collective Peace and demilitarization, will take part in the round table on Women of the world working together with one voice for peace and justice. The participants will consider the possibilities there of building a world of women united against the war, violence and injustice; working together to implement a  Women’s Global Charter for Humanity. This session will explore the successes and failures of organizing women globally, and consider the challenge of working in harmony with cultural and political diversity.

Citizens, delegates from cities and communities representing every region of the world who are working together to end war, and build a peaceful, just and sustainable world will come together to develop tools for change in the peace process. They are coming from 91 countries.

The World Peace Forum program has been designed around three pillars: living peace, social justice and sustainability. Highlights include:

- Peace Walk (12 noon, June 24) from Seaforth Peace Flame Park to Sunset Beach & the Peace Festival

- Arrival of the Peace Boat from Japan (on its 53rd voyage around the world) at Canada Place;

- Performances by Buffy Ste Marie, K'Naan, Pied Pumkin, the Be Good Tanyas, Holly

Featured speakers: Hans Blick, renowned Chinese scholar Su Zhiliang, BC Lt. Governor Iona Campagnolo, American anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, athlete Silken Laumann, Bishop Emeritus of Chiapas Don Samuel Ruiz;

Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Japanese physicist Hiromichi Umebayashi, children's entertainer Raffi Cavoukian, authors Marianne Williamson and Mary Gordon ('The Roots of Empathy'), renowned East Asian human rights activist(and Amnesty International prisoner of conscience) Suh Sung, and hundreds more:

- The Wolf Sessions: two days of talks, workshops and performances focusing on issues that directly affect local and global First Nations peoples, featuring Grand Chief Ed John & Stewart Phillip;

- Plenary meeting of International Association of Peace Messenger Cities and Mayors for Peace;

- World Peace Forum Film Festival and Choral Peaces, featuring performances by Song Australia;

- Hiroshima Nagasaki: photographs and A-bomb artifacts from 1945, on display at Storyeum - Peace Educators Conference;

- Youth Day: workshops and performances organized by and for young people;

- Live Virtual Youth Conference connecting youth all over the world via the internet, featuring special guest Deepak Chopra (President of Alliance for a New Humanity, author of 'Peace is the Way');

The June 23-28 line-up includes regional conferences focusing on Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, as well as hundreds of presentations and discussions on human rights, disarmament, environmentalism and sustainability, health, economics and spirituality. WPF 2006 will serve as a crucible from which are certain to flow not only plans for immediate campaigns and action, but more importantly, the creation of living spaces in which the world's peoples and movements can together imagine, develop and nurture a world of peace and justice for our lifetime an beyond.

Last modified 2006-06-21 03:12 PM
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