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Conflict in Mali and the Central African Republica

We share with you information on the currente conflict situations in Mali and the Central African Republic, shared by the World March of Women in these countries:

"In the face of the worrisome advance of the allied forces, hostilities began on January 9, 2013, in a display of the Islamists’ exorbitant ambition of bringing all of Mali under their yoke. Their Plan A involved celebrating Milad (the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), on January 24 this year) in the capital city of Bamako. Plan B was to capture Mopti International Airport in Sévaré (70 km from Konna).

And indeed, during the week of January 8, 2013, the jihadist movements that control Northern Mali – AQMI (al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb), MUJAO (Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa), Ansar Dine (led by a Malian Tuareg) and Boko Haram – launched a new offensive in a move toward the center of the country. In a coordinated attack, they occupied the city of Konna, a strategic position along the front line between the North and the South of the country. Konna is 70 km from Sévaré, where the Malian army is concentrated, along with its equipment, munitions and provisions. […] "

Click to read the full information on Mali.

"On the 17th January, a peace agreement was signed in Libreville between the Central African Republic’s current government, the opposition and the Séléka rebels (the Songo language alliances) who had begun a military offensive in the north of the country on the 10th December 2012, moving in the direction of the capital Bangui. The rebels reproach the president Bozizé for the non-application of the 2007 and 2011 peace agreements, especially in relation to disarmament and the integration of ex-rebel groups in the national army. The discontentment felt by the population living in the country’s interior who accuse the government of focusing his attentions on the capital, is also fueling the conflict. […]"

 Click to read the full information on the Central African Republic.

Last modified 2013-01-21 06:13 PM
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