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Our 24 Hours of Feminist Action around the World is fast approaching!

On the 10th December 2012, from midday to 1pm, we’ll be mobilised in our streets, public spaces and communities across the world: to give visibility to, and highlight, the five values in our Women’s Global Charter for Humanity – equality, justice, freedom, solidarity and peace; to express our views on the current socio-political-economic context; to demonstrate our resistance against militarisation, the criminalisation of protest and attacks on women’s rights; to strengthen our national and local struggles (be they for the right to abortion and public health services, against austerity measures, against colonialisation, for climate justice, for peace, etc).
We know that many NCBs are already organising local and national actions, and we’d like to share with you some tools to support the preparation, defined at the last International Committee meeting (in October 2012 in the Basque Country) with suggestions for mobilising activities (before the 10th December), and other activities to be carried out between midday and 1pm on the 10th December itself:

- WMW International Declaration
- Website:
- Videos
- Pictures
- Map with the actions
- Facebook page:

Last modified 2012-12-04 07:40 PM
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