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International Women’s Day, 8th March 2011

A message from the World March of Women

We have started 2011 with hope and revolution in our hearts and minds, as we support the struggle for self-determination and participatory democracy in northern Africa and the Arab world. The peoples of Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Syria have demonstrated that mass uprisings of women and men do have the power to topple governments and dictatorships. Women’s voices and actions are crucial to the construction of people power, and on International Women’s Day we commit ourselves to struggle alongside our sisters to ensure their active participation in their country’s transition processes.

One year on from the launch of our 3rd International Action, we – feminists and activists of the World March of Women – continue to march, resist and construct alternatives. We renew our commitment to organise collectively until all of us are free from the oppressions and discriminations that we face as women. We are committed to strengthening, consolidating and expanding our permanent, grassroots movement around the world.


Click to read the full message in: English, French, Spanish.

8th March – Audio reports, women say NO to Redd

*Radio program Voz de los  Movimientos – Special issue on the 8th of March 2011 (duration: 24’04s). It includes reports from women in El Salvador, Guatemala and other countries in Latin America, and also two interviews with women activists from Tunisia and Morocco about the process in the Arabian region (audio in Spanish). Click to listen to the program or to download it in:

*As additional material, click to listen the interviews with Halima, from Tunisia, in French (duration: 5’40s) and Hilana, from Morocco, in English (duration: 4’47s), in the link:  

*This 8th of March the women say NO to REDD, another false mechanismo to “solve”  the global warming. We invite you to read and sign the document about REDD and women


Last modified 2011-03-04 09:37 PM
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