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Against Minustah in Haiti; solidarity to the five Cubans

In the context of the global journey of action, this weekend (October 15th and 16th) thousands of actions will be carried out in order to denounce the systems that generate violence and oppression of people and of nature and to demand alternatives. In Americas, our sisters from Haiti and Cuba request the solidarity of movements around the world so these actions also express support for their demands:

Solidarity to Haiti
On 15th October, the UN Security Council will discuss the treatment of United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). MINUSTAH has the second highest UN budget (US$ 793,5 million) after the Monusco (United Nations Stabilization Mission in DR Congo). Movements from Haiti and from around the world are mobilizing to demand the immediate withdrawal of UN troops:

“The intervention of foreign troops over years, whether from the United States, France, other powers, or now the MINUSTAH, has not improved the lives of the Haitian people. Rather, their presence undermines the sovereignty and dignity of that people and ensures the process of economic recolonization that is directed now by a virtual parallel government - the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti - whose plans are more responsive to the lenders and entrepreneurs than to the rights of Haitians. The Haitian Senate recently voted unanimously for the withdrawal of this occupation force.

As if this were not enough, the MINUSTAH directly usurps some USD 800 million per year (equivalent to nearly half of Haiti's annual budget) of resources needed by the people for their health, education, housing, water and sanitation, food sovereignty and job creation. Worse still, the MINUSTAH troops have built-up a real criminal record: they abuse and rape women and youth, and they kill. They kill with bullets when people stand up to hunger and low wages, and they kill with cholera: some 6,000 Haitian women and men have been killed by the disease introduced by the MINUSTAH.  Enough!”

Read the full version of the letter signed by movements, artists, intellectual and Nobel prizes winners from all over the world demanding the withdrawal of Minustah: English; French; Spanish

Solidarity to Cubans
This past October 6th marked 35 years of the terrorist attack in 1976 against a plane of the Cuban air company (Cubana de Aviación) which left 73 people dead. The self-declared perpetrator of this crime, the Cuban Luis Posada Carriles, now walks freely in the streets of Miami, United States. He has been linked to other facts that show the permanent hostility experienced by the Cuban revolution coming from terrorist groups based in US and supported by successive U.S. administrations.

In order to protect the nation from these actions, several Cubans infiltrated terrorist groups in the U.S. with the primary aim to defend the Cuban revolution. In 1998, five of these agents René Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and Gerardo Hernández were arrested and, after an unjust and illegitimate process, sentenced to maximum security prisons and other strict prohibitions. Only one of them, René, was released from prison but, as additional punishment, he was required to stay in Miami for three years under probation.

The WMW Cuban committee, in solidarity with the five Cuban five, request the support of organizations and movements from around the world to demand the imprisonment of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and the return to their homeland of the five fighters for Cuban sovereignty.

Read the letter sent by the Cuban Women Federation, from the WMW NCB coordination (in Spanish; English) with the request for support and with further information on the case.

Last modified 2011-10-14 08:16 PM
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