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Actions in solidarity with the Honduran people

The second anniversary of the Honduran coup d’état on Tuesday the 28th June will take place in a context of great concern, but also of hope, strengthened by the permanent struggle and resistance of the Honduran people. The return to Honduras of its legitimate president, Manuel Zelaya, has not produced a change in the situation of the Central American nation because the dictatorial regime that brought Porfirio Lobo to power remains, as well as the same apparatus that helped to sustain the coup against democracy and that is now perpetrating social repression.

The Central American nation was reintegrated into the Organization of American States (OAS) without full implementation of the Agreement for National Reconciliation and Consolidation of the Democratic System in the Republic of Honduras, known as the Cartagena Agreement, signed in May, which envisages, among other issues:
- The right of return of all expatriates and exiles, and the elimination of existing legal trials and lawsuits against them
– An end to the criminalization of social movements and to the violation of human rights
- The convening of a National Constituent Assembly
– The recognition of the People's National Front as such and its democratic participation in political processes in Honduras

We are concerned that, until now, none of the agreement’s points has been fully met: for example, a member of President Zelaya’s cabinet has been arrested on arrival in Honduras, and put under house arrest on bail amounting to millions. Brutal repression against the people and flagrant human rights violations continue, particularly against women. Seven peasants were killed in the region of Bajo Aguan in the short time between the signing of the agreement (22nd May) and the return of Honduras to the OAS (1st June). Members of the coup d’état resistance continue to be thrown-out of Honduras and others still haven’t been allowed to return.

International solidarity is still needed, now more than ever!

That’s why, on the 28th June, we invite WMW National Coordinating Bodies and participant groups to express their solidarity with the women and people of Honduras by way of diverse actions in front of Honduras embassies and consulates, the OAS, and in other visible spaces and other activities - such as public hearings, press conferences, community radio initiatives and social networks - in order to share information, denounce the situation in Honduras and demand full compliance of the agreement.

We will also join and support the International Meeting against Militarization, to be held in La Esperanza, Comayagua, Honduras, from the 26th to the 28th June (see the meeting invitation attached or by clicking:
English; Spanish; French

For your information, we would like to share with you the Feminists in Resistance letter addressed to the OAS warning of the continued rights violations in Honduras and an audio interview (in Spanish) with Bertha Oliva, coordinator of the Committee of Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH), given on the 18th June, as well as audio spots to publicize the Meeting against Militarization available (in Spanish) at:

Please send us information (to related to the solidarity actions that you organize or in which you take part in your countries (documents and audiovisuals) so we can share them on our website and in our newsletter.

Last modified 2011-06-22 05:47 PM
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