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Next steps for the International Action are debated in South Africa


Between the 17th and 20th of April, the members of the WMW International Committee  , from Africa (Mali and South Africa), Americas (Brazil and Quebec), Asia (Philippines and Pakistan) and Europe (Galicia and Switzerland) have met in Simonstown, Cape Town, in their first meeting of the year. The meeting also had the participation of Josée Kusinza, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and of Hester Stephens, president of SADSAWU (South African Domestic Service and Allied Workers Union). The cancelation of flights coming from Europe, due to the volcano eruption in Iceland, made impossible for the member of Mexico (Gladys Alfaro) to arrive, as well as two interpreters coming from France and the Spanish State.

An enthusiasm was felt in the balance of the first actions that have launched our 2010 action in March, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the international women’s day of struggle. Until that day, from the 52 countries that had informed they would have activities in this period, 45 had already sent pictures or a written report of what they had done.

Although a stronger and systematic register of the actions carried out is still necessary, and although the fact that we’re in the middle of the action, some positive points were already perceived, such as: the increase of the work with several women’s groups, the enhance of the relationship with women from mixed movements, the enlargement of youth participation and the fact that, in many countries, the action of the WMW has contributed to the renovate the feminist approach in the media. Some challenges were also identified such as having actions in political contexts marked by conflicts and by systemic crises, which generates ideological changes and makes it more difficult the access to resources. It has also been observed the need to organize more debates and seminars to deepen issues and elaborate national demands regarding each action area.  The regional meetings will be another moment to deepen such debates.

Toward the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC)

The expectation is that around 1.000 people will participate in the closing mobilization of the 2010 International Action, in Bukavu, DRC. With the aid of the presentation made by Josée Kusinza regarding the social, economic and political scenery of the country, as well as the report of the local preparation, the IC debated goals, program, international mobilization, follow up to the local preparation, funding and priorities. The program of the closing act, among other activities, is composed of panels, food sovereignty fair, table of debates with authorities, creation of a memorial, planting of trees, workshops and artistic activities. A methodology commission should finalize, soon, the program details.
In this moment, the International Secretariat (S) is doing the pre-registration of the participants of the countries. Face to the infrastructure limitations (housing, space for events) and also because of security matters, the IC decided that all participation in the closing act must be organized in communication with the WMW National Coordinating Bodies. It’s been emphasized the need to continue including in the delegations journalists, health professionals and activists with languages skills to support the event.

Further information about the DRC will be soon available in the website

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Last modified 2010-04-30 06:37 PM
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