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Honduras: repression increases

As an attempt to stop the growing popular resistance to demand the return of the constitutional President Manuel Zelaya Rosales, the dictatorial government in Honduras, headed by Roberto Micheletti, has decreed a state of emergency on the 1st of July.

Citizen’s individual guarantees have been suspended, including the right to opinion, freedom of assembly and association, to peaceful demonstration and freedom movement (in and out in the country). The measures allow imprisoning and detention of any person as well as violation of the homes by the police without any formal charge or judicial authorization.

Movements around the world continue to express their solidarity through statements and protests in front of the diplomatic representatives of Honduras in the various countries. Read the statement of the MMM on the link:

For updates on the resistance in Honduras, read the sites of the alternative media that broadcast information sent directly from the country:

Minga Informativa de los Movimientos Sociales

Red Nosotras en el Mundo

Radio ELM - Es lo de Menos

Radio Maiz-El Salvador

Radio Mundo Real

Telesur (live broadcasting from Honduras)
Last modified 2009-07-03 03:07 PM
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