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Global week of mobilisation and action against capitalism and war

From the 28th March to the 4th April, women and men from all over the world will be in the streets to protest against capitalism and war and to affirm that they will not pay for the crisis. Launched by the Social Movements’ Assembly, three main moments mark this week of mobilisation:

*28th March: Mobilisations in protest against the Group of 20 meeting (the G20), composed of representatives of Central Banks and governments from the 20 countries that represent two thirds of world commerce and population and more than 90% of the gross world product. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are also members of the G20. They will meet in London (United Kingdom) at the beginning of April.

*30th March: Day of mobilisation against the war and the crisis, and in solidarity with the Palestinian people. This day coincides with Palestinian Land Day, which remembers the 1976 Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Galilee. It was chosen to strengthen the campaign for boycott, disinvestments and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

*4th April: Day that marks the 60th anniversary of NATO – North American Trade Organisation, an alliance of military cooperation between the USA and several European countries. NATO will meet between the 3rd and 4th April in Baden-Baden and Kehl, in Germany, and in Strasbourg, in France.

In Europe, movements will concentrate their actions in London and Strasbourg. There are many different street activities (such as marches, flyering and bike rides) planned in the following countries: Australia, the Basque Country, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Catalonia, France, Germany, Greece, Kenya, Holland (the Netherlands), India, Italy, Norway, Pakistan, Quebec, the Spanish State, the United Kingdom (Scotland and England) and the USA.

During this week and particularly on the days mentioned above, movements will affirm that in order to overcome the different crises (food, finance, economy, climate, energy and population migration), it is necessary to tackle with the root of the problem and build a radical alternative to the capitalist system and patriarchal domination.

In the face of the false answers presented by companies, banks and governments to deal with the crisis – such as dismissals and privatisation of public services, natural and energy resources – which merely aim at socialising losses, social movements will demand a number of urgent measures such as:

-    Nationalising the banking sector without compensations and with full social monitoring,
-    Reducing working time without wage cuts,
-    Taking measures to ensure food and energy sovereignty,
-    Stopping wars, withdrawing occupation troops and dismantling foreign military bases,
-    Acknowledging peoples’ sovereignty and autonomy, and ensuring their right to self-determination,
-    Guaranteeing rights to land, territory, work, education and health for all,
-    Democratising access to means of communication and knowledge.

Click to:

- read the full Declaration of the Social Movements’ Assembly, held during the WSF 2009 in Belém.

- have further information about some of the actions already scheduled.

- have further information about the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign

Last modified 2009-03-27 09:25 PM
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