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March 8: Say No to War!

March 8: Say No to War!
Photo: Joanne Mc Dermott, india, 2003

For March 8, IWD, the World March of Women invites you to participate at the Code Pink's Campaign: Women say No to War.

Code Pink is mobilizing women around the globe to call for an end to the occupation and the violence in Iraq. "With the majority of people in Iraq, the U.S., the U.K., and around the world opposing this war, now is the time for women to step forward and make our opposition more visible and vocal.

With the launch of Women Say No To War Campaign, we are asking women around the world to sign on to the Women's Call for Peace. We hope to obtain a minimum of 100,000 signatures by International Women's Day on March 8, 2006, when US and Iraqi women will deliver these signatures to leaders in Washington DC and women around the world will deliver them to US embassies", Code Pink explains.

The World March of Women has endorsed this campaign.

Please, consult the actions scheduled during this campaign on the Website


Postcards for the 8 of March

There are 9 postcards that can be downloaded from the Promotional material's folder on this website.
Last modified 2006-02-15 03:48 PM
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