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The Global Women’s Charter for Humanity in Bulgaria

By Jivka Marinova

From June 9th to 11th, 2005, the World March of Women and the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity passed through Bulgaria.

Adopted on December 10, 2004, in Kigali, Rwanda and accompanying the World Relay since March 8th in Brazil, the Charter is moving from country to country. The main goal of the Charter is to initiate debates and campaigns for the eradication of poverty and the elimination of violence against women.

The Charter is moving around together with a unique patch blanket, containing artistic quilts prepared by women from each country participating to the March. The Charter and the Global Quilt have been presented in Bulgaria to a special event, which gathered women from NGOs, other civil society organizations and women running for parliamentary elections.

The Bulgarian quilt and Bulgarian version of the Charter have been prepared by GERT – the coordinating organization for Bulgaria with the support of the newly established Bulgarian Women’s Fund. The launching event was organized by Gender Project for Bulgaria – one of the NGOs members to the World March.

The Charter, printed in Bulgarian was applauded by many women and has been largely disseminated by women’s organizations, participating to the March.

Last modified 2005-06-20 03:03 PM
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