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<<< en en en Know everything about the closure of the Third International Action of the WMW in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo Statement of the World March of Women in the Mexican Thematic World Social Forum 17th October: towards the Third International Action! 2005 Actions Report 23rd August: Day of action in solidarity to women and people from Americas against militarization 25th November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 26th January 2008 - Global Day of Mobilisation and Action 29 de marzo: huelga de cuidados! 40,000 women in Sao Paulo 6th International Meeting in Lima, from July 2 to 9, 2006 8 mars 2017 – Communiqué international de la MMF 8th International Meeting: future actions, constitution, elections of the International Committee, video. Next stop: Brazil! 8th March 2014 - World March of Women 8th March: International Women’s Day 2012 8th March: Women Struggling against Patriarchy, Capitalism, Racism and War! 8thMARCH, 2016 WORLD MARCH OF WOMEN RESISTING MILITARISM A Carta Mundial das Mulheres para a Humanidade e a Colcha trasladavas a A Guarda A Celebration of Women is held in Cape Town Action for Honduras the 8th April; young feminists camp Actions held in memory of women workers killed in Bangladesh Actions in solidarity with the Honduran people Actividades - 8 marzo Activists in Turkey are released; process will continue Against Minustah in Haiti; solidarity to the five Cubans Ahead of the G20 Summit - Seoul Deports a Young WMW Anti-G20 Activist All the women on the Cane-Cane-Canebière Antiwar actions in Colombia >>>
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Photos: Palestine (left) and Israel (right) square quilts symbolizing peace (2005).

We, members of World March of Women International Committee manifest our indignation concerning the scaling of violence in the Middle East.

We affirm that any kind of military violence will put an end to the conflicts in this region and will build up a path of peace and justice for all.

The Israeli massive military operations within Lebanon territories, has been targeting the civil population as vital infra-structures destruction.

We regret that hundred of women, men and children have lost their life and thousands have no more houses, shelter neither access to clean water and basic services.

We manifest our solidarity with Lebanese, Palestinian, Arab and Jewish women who fight for peace, dialogue and negotiated conflicts resolution in the entire region. We ask for full respect of the People’s Rights, including Palestinian’s who has been for so many years oppressed by Israel State.

We know that peace is only possible when Rights are fully acknowledged and respected.

We reaffirm the contents of our Declaration approved in our 6th International Meeting that meet 100 women from 31 national coordination's bodies in Lima, Peru at 02 to 09 July 2006. <

The wars decimate civilian populations, force displacements of large numbers of people, and deprive people and peasants of access to land and water, thus preventing them from growing the food they need to survive. Territories are occupied and foreign forces invade countries whose governments are deprived of their sovereignty.

We denounce in particular the U.S. military interventions and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Israeli government's aggression and occupation of Palestine and other Arab countries; and agreements that impose any kind of military presence.

We demand the withdrawal of all occupation forces in the region, the dismantling of all military bases, and the destruction of weapons and the end of political and economic blockades against aggressed Peoples and Countries

We demand to Israel government the immediate cease-fire, the end of military operations in Lebanon and the return to the table of negotiations.

We demand to the international community, in particular United Nations, the protection of civil population and their right to live in freedom and in peace, the implementation of the International Law without reservations of anybody and a fair and negotiated conflict resolution.

World March of Women International Committee

Last modified 2006-08-06 07:28 PM
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