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Political declaration IC Meeting

Gathered in Guatemala, between the 1st and 4th of July of 2016, we, the representatives of the International Committee of the World March of Women, reaffirm our support for our colleagues at the Political Alliance in the Women's Sector (Alianza Política del Sector de Mujeres) and to our sister Sandra Morán, Member of the Parliament of Guatemala, who during many years has fought alongside the Alliance to protect the rights of women, indigenous communities and Mother Earth.  
During our time in Guatemala, we have had the opportunity to participate in a rich exchange of ideas and experiences with several female representatives from Parliament. We had the opportunity to discuss the complex situations faced by women throughout different regions of the world, as well as the impact that this has had upon their lives and across certain political spaces that we are able to access. A working session organized by our sisters from the Political Alliance in the Women's Sector, gathered representatives from across 13 organizations. In this occasion, we discussed the issues of gender violence and femicide; both of which affect many women throughout Guatemala today. We also took to the streets along with other social movements to express our opposition to the militarization of our territories; as well as to demand justice and the recovery of the historic memory of our peoples.  

Together, we learned about resistance and building productive alternatives, about the artistic endeavors and communication efforts that our sisters are implementing within their lives and communities; reaching out in solidarity to both male and female political prisoners, their families and communities. We salute the struggle of entire families and communities who resist the imposition of the extractive model that threatens their territories, and we empathize with all the women and girls who have suffered sexual violence throughout their lives.  

We support the processes launched —through sheer will and determination— by Guatemala's Civil Society. In particular, we support the process of community building initiated by the Water Pact; since we believe that it will ensure the protection of water as a common good and a human right. We also support the constitutional process of legal pluralism, that recognizes indigenous peoples' own forms of justice.  

This meeting convened sisters from all over the world and had us reflect upon our experiences. The common thread was how we have all borne witness to the advance of fundamentalism, militarism —as we have ascertained during our 4th International Action— and violence; which continue to claim the lives of thousands of women from all the globe. At the same time, violence and poverty are rife—serving as a reminder of the reasons that led to the birth of our movement.
We salute the struggle of feminist women the world over, who —armed with courage and determination— confront the capitalist, patriarchal, neo-colonialist and racist system imposed upon us all. We extend our support and solidarity towards our sisters in Brazil, who continue to resist the coup led by the right wing against the legitimate government, under the false pretense of leading a fight against corruption.

For all the aforementioned reasons, we feel that our mobilization and our struggle are more essential than ever. Mutual solidarity and a solid union are vital if we are to develop a system that respects the very web of life and promotes both justice and equality. Our movement has grown to become far more than just a resistance movement: today we concentrate all our efforts on the development of alternatives that defend the sustainability of life. And this is the aim of our 10th International Meeting, which will take place in Maputo (Mozambique) from 11 to 15 October. With the very resolve that characterizes our movement, we extend all our support and solidarity to our Mozambican sisters, who today find themselves engaged in the complex task of organizing an international meeting — particularly, because it is one fraught within the fragile political context in which they find themselves today. That is why we call upon our national coordinating bodies, groups of participants and allies to join us at this meeting and, by doing so, thus contribute to the strengthening of our movement.

Together we are stronger and that is why we will continue marching onwards until both our bodies and our territories are free.

In Guatemala, July 4, 2016.
International Committee of the World March of Women.

Last modified 2016-07-14 09:23 PM
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