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COP-20: WMW activities during People's Summit in Lima, Peru


From 8 to 11 December, it will take place in Lima, Peru, the People's Summit on Climate Change, parallel to the United Nations 20th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change. Check the activities organized by our sisters from WMW National Coordination Bodies in Americas, especially Peru and Brazil. 

As part of these activities, we continue to affirm our positioning on climate change, developed since the Rio-20 Summit, in 2012: against the commodification of life, for the defense of common goods! We will keep fighting against green capitalism and strengthening women’s alternatives!

Click to read the WMW position paper in: English; Spanish; French

Monday, 8 December
5.00 pm: Inauguration of the Peoples Summit

Tuesday, 9 December
Public conference: "Solidarity economy and other economies in a climate change scenario"
Where: Parque de la Exposición: Gran Sala de Conferencia.
When: 6.00 pm-8.00 pm
Organized by: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos-Consejo Social de Economía Solidaria, Consortium: CIDES, Gender and Economy, IC-L, HEGOA.

Wednesday, 10 December
World March in defense of the Earth
When: 11:00 am

«Women against extractivism and climate change" – International Meeting
Organized by the World March of Women
Where: Parque de la Exposición, room 5
When: 3.00 pm-5.00pm

Thursday, 11 December
Dialogue international: Voix et action des femmes sur le changement climatique
Oú: Parque de la Exposición, room 3
Quand: 12h00-2.00pm

International Forum on Women and Climate Change: for the sustainability of life, realities and challenges

Where: Parque de la Exposición, room 3
When: 2.00 pm-4.00 pm

Last modified 2014-12-07 04:36 PM
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