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International Women’s Day 2013

"We, women of the world, are turning our grief into strength.

We, women of all peoples, ages, classes and sexualities, are resisting the growing criminalisation against us, our protests and our proposals. The streets and public spaces are ours! We are organised in our social movements, despite the pressure we face to remain within the domestic space; we persist in our fight for progressive laws that strengthen our formal rights, despite the repression and violence we face from governments and religious institutions. We are all women in resistance celebrating the progress we have achieved! We are all Filipina women celebrating the passage of the Reproductive Health Law!

We are saying “Enough” to the violence against us. Again and again, we are taking the lead and taking to the streets in the fight against all forms of violence and the normalisation of this violence within our societies. We are denouncing violence as structural; as a tool of control of our lives, bodies and sexualities within the capitalist, neo-colonialist, patriarchal system. We are all Indian and Bangladeshi women fighting against rape, sexual violence and the impunity face by its perpetrators! We are all Mayan women breaking the silence in the courts in our demand for justice! We are all Mozambican women in the successful struggle to pass the domestic violence law!

We, indigenous women, are fighting back. We are mobilising massively at the local and international levels. We are demanding that our governments respect our rights and those of our peoples and territories, and we are creatively using the tools of struggle available to us. We are all B’laan Filipina women and Mayan, Xinca and mestiza Guatemalan women protecting our territories – our land and our bodies – from mining and hydroelectric industries! We are all Idle No More protesters and Canadian First Nation women challenging the longstanding discrimination and injustices faced by indigenous peoples!


Click to read the full text of the World March of Women Declaration for International Women’s Day 2013.
Last modified 2013-03-01 02:29 PM
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