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8th International Meeting: future actions, constitution, elections of the International Committee, video. Next stop: Brazil!

A demonstration, a public forum and a cultural evening closed the 8th WMW International Meeting, which was held in Quezon City, Philippines, between 21 and 25 November 2011. Under the slogan “Women on the March: Strengthening Collective Action, Changing the World”, the meeting brought together 80 women coming from 34 countries including delegates, workers and guest allied movements. After discussing the international context:

*We have discussed our strategies for the 2012-2013 period, including as well actions and mobilizations on regional and international level

*We discussed and approved our new constitution and by-laws, which advances in our anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal nature, as well as establishes more precise and clear rules of operation.

*We elected a new International Committee, now constituted by:
- African region: Graça Samo (Mozambique) and Nana Aicha Cisse (Mali). Substitute: Adele Safi (DR Congo)
- Americas region: Emilia Castro (Quebec) and Sandra Moran (Guatemala). Substitute: Tamara Columbie (Cuba)
- Asia / Oceania: Jean Enriquez (Philippines) and Salima Sultana (Bangladesh). Substitute: Françoise Caillard (New Caledonia)
- European region: Judite Fernandez (Portugal) and Yildiz Temurturkan (Turkey). Substitute: Natasha Dokovska (Macedonia)
- Arab World / Middle East: Souad Mahmoud (Tunisia). Substitute: Khitam Khatib (Palestinian)
- International Secretariat Coordinator: Miriam Nobre (Brazil)

*We evaluated the results of the Third International Action and launched two videos that systematize the memory of the action:
- The video The World March of Women Third International Action - 2010, available in:  English, French, Spanish
- And the video International feminist solidarity in action. English and Portuguese versions, with Spanish and French subtitles will soon be available online.

* Finally, we decided that the 9th WMW International Meeting will be held in Brazil in 2013 and the following one in Mali.

Further details on these and other news will be available shortly in the next WMW International newsletter!

Last modified 2011-12-14 01:01 PM
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