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Escalating misogyny in Turkey

There has been a struggle against HES (hydroelectric plants) in order to protect the soil, water and    streams in Hopa, Artvin for a long time. The people in Hopa have been reacting to the government's HES projects. On the 31st May in the meeting about elections, the people in Hopa wanted to protest against the Prime Minister, Tayyip Erdoğan, to demonstrate their demands and show their reactions about HESs. During the protests, police used excessive levels of pepper spray and caused a retired teacher, Metin Lokumcu's death.

Following this violence, lots of protests and reactions against the death of Lokumcu were held, first in Ankara and Istanbul and then all over the country. In these protests, police fired a lot of pepper gas and detained lots of people also in Ankara. After the demonstrations, undercover police officers lay in ambush and attacked the member of the Central Executive Committee of People's Houses', Dilşat Aktaş, and broke her thighbone. She has received a medical report stating that she is incapable of working for 6 months and her treatment will last more than 6 months according to doctors. To make matters worse, while answering journalist questions about this police attack on Aktaş, The Turkish Prime Minister said that “ I watched her on TV in demonstrations, I didn’t know whether she is a woman or a girl...” and made a great “contribution” to discrimination against women and misogyny and attacked all of us on behalf of Aktaş.

Turkish government legitimate abuse, violence and torture over the commodification of women’s bodies


Click to read the full letter sent by Women from People's Houses, a group which is part of the World March of Women in Turkey to inform international community about the recent oppressive and misogynist practices of the Turkey government.

Last modified 2011-07-05 03:53 PM
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