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Thousands of Cancuns; Nyeleni newsletter

The 16th Conference of the Parties (COP 16) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) started this 29 November and will be carried out up to 10 December 2010 in Cancun, Mexico.

With Via Campesina and Friens of the Earth, we are reinforcing the call to have actions around the world (Thousands of Cancuns) to denounce false solutions to climate change, specially on the 7th December. In these actions we will show our  opposition to the false solutions to climate chaos discussed by the UNFCCC, such as market-based proposals on carbon trading and REDD, agrofuels and geo-engineering. Besides Mexico, the WMW is already taking part in actions in Brazil, Korea, Peru and Philippines.

To see an interactive map (updated daily) with all the actions already informed, visit the Thousands of Cancun web page.

As part of our common work around food sovereignty and as a follow up to the Nyeleni Forum, we have just launched as well the number 1 of the Nyeleni Newsletter. Given the events in Cancun, this issue is specially focused on Climate Change, false solutions and our alternatives. Click to download the newsletter in: English, Spanish and French.

For further information on the events in Cancun, visit the website produced by the Minga/Mutirão of Social Movements:

Last modified 2010-11-29 08:07 PM
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