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Newsletter, solidarity with Greek movements, Cochabamba Declaration

Newsletter n.04, April 2010, available now!

The April edition of our newsletter is a summary of our actions in different continents, our next steps and a especial on the Walkers. Download the full version in PDF: English, Spanish, French

Solidarity to Greek movements

The WMW in Greece participated in a protest against the outrageous war expenditure in front of the Ministry of National Defense, on pasta May 9, 2010 at 11 a.m. While the austerity measures of the government, the International Monetary Fund and the European Union take nightmare dimensions, condemning millions of people, especially us women, to poverty, unemployment, exclusion and constant stress; at this very time of the greatest crisis, small Greece has a grievous record in Europe: It is first in military spending! Enough with the greek "sacred cow" of crazy armaments that no one dares to touch!

Click to read the complete call to action (in English only).

Cochabamba: Letter of the Social Movements Assembly
From 19th to 22nd April, social movements from around the world met in Cochabamba, during the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth ( The WMW has participated in the event and, especially, on the Social Movements Assembly held on the 19th April. Click to read the Letter of the Social Movements Assembly in: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Check also the pictures on the summit sent by WMW in Bolivia.

Last modified 2010-05-12 06:12 PM
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