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Women on the March until we are All Free!


In 2010, we – activists of the World March of Women from all five continents – will be on the march once more. We will march to demonstrate our perseverance and our strength as collectively organised women with diverse experiences, political cultures and ethnic backgrounds, but with a common identity and goal: the desire to overthrow the current, unjust world order that provokes violence and poverty, and to construct the world we want based on peace, justice, equality, freedom and solidarity.

We will march in solidarity with those women who do not have the freedom to do so as a result of war and conflict; the sexual division of work that maintains women prisoners in their own homes; the capitalist and patriarchal systems that determine that the public sphere – the streets, the workplace, spaces of learning, spaces of leisure activity – is the reserve of men; and the lack of time women have, as they juggle their responsibilities as primary care-givers.

We will march to demand our rights. We will march to resist those who would seek to take away the rights we have already gained in our struggle against the offensive of religious fundamentalisms and conservative sectors of society and the State. We will be on the march for the world we want, in which autonomy, self-determination and solidarity are the pillars of the organisation of our societies.
We will march in the struggle against the commodification of our lives, sexuality and bodies. We are not objects to be bought and sold! We refuse to be treated as pieces of meat for the pornography, trafficking and advertising industries! We will not accept violence in our homes and workplaces. We will be on the march until all women lead lives free of violence and threat of violence.
We will march to denounce the sexist, racist, homophobic capitalist system that exploits the daily reproductive and productive work of women while concentrating riches in the hands of the few. We demand equal pay for equal work, a fair minimum wage, the reorganisation and sharing of care-work and social security, all without discrimination of any kind. We will be on the march until all women achieve economic autonomy.
We will march for the immediate end to conflict and to the use of women’s bodies as spoils of war. We will march to demonstrate the economic interests behind conflict – the control of natural resources, the control of peoples, the profit of the arms industry. We will be on the march until women are recognised and valorised as protagonists of peace and reconstruction processes, and in the maintenance of active peace in their countries.
We will march in our fight against the privatisation of natural resources and public services. We will march for food and energy sovereignty, and against the destruction and control of our territories and false solutions to climate change. We will be on the march until our rights to healthcare, education, drinkable water, sanitation, land, housing, and autonomy over our traditional seeds have been fulfilled.

Click to read the complete call and to know how to join us in our Action!

Last modified 2010-01-30 12:51 AM
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