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We are all Honduras, We resist!

The World March of Women and the Red Latinoamericana Mujeres Transformando la Economía (REMTE) join all feminist organizations and social movements from Honduras to condemn and strongly reject the military coup against president Manuel Zelaya Rosales, organised by the Army and the President of the National Congress, Roberto Micheletti, with the support of the mass media controlled by the oligarchy of that country.

Lead by the Army at 5am of Sunday 28th of June, the coup frustrated the democratic hopes of the people, that were preparing to hold a consultation where Honduran society should decide around calling for a Constituent National Assembly to elaborate a new Constitution. Even more, the military coup named Roberto Micheletti as President, a puppet of Honduras’s oligarchy.

We support peoples' pacific resistance, particularly the Honduran feminists that are holding vigils and a general strike in support of the President Zelaya and for the restitution of democracy. We join all social movements to demand:

1. The immediate reestablishment of Constitutional order, without bloodshed.

2.  We call on the Army to refrain from repressing the people of Honduras, who are demanding a return to democracy.

3. That physical integrity of feminist and social leaders, who were leading the consultation, be respected

4. The immediate return of president Zelaya to his function in Honduras and rejection to Micheletti by the Organization of American States

5. That the authorities guarantee the right of the population to the full exercise of democracy through the popular consultation.

We denounce the role played by the corporate mass media, used by Honduran oligarchy as a tool to stop popular will and to support and justify the coup.

We urge all people, organized or not organized at national and international level to pronounce against this aggression to Honduran people's rights and to spread these words. We also invite all to share information produced by popular media as Radio ELM ( and Radio Mundo Real (

We call social movements to protest in front of diplomatic and commercial representations of Honduras and to send letters expressing rejection to the military coup to the Honduras embassies in each country.

Women on the march until we are all free!

29th June 2009

Click to read the note sent by the Honduras Women's Movement Note (only in Spanish).
Last modified 2009-06-29 11:10 PM
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