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<<< Escalating misogyny in Turkey European campaign is arriving! European Nyeleni Forum, on Food Sovereignty European Social Forum, International Meeting, Pakistan European Young Feminists Camp; Solidarity to Palestine Event in Amman, Jordan FEBRUARY 18th DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH SAHRAWI WOMEN FEBRUARY 18th DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH SAHRAWI WOMEN Feminism on the march to change the world! Fifteen thousand women in Québec City Foros Regionales en Mesoamérica contra a ADA e los Agronegocios Founding documents, demands France : Feminist Demonstration under DSK´s Windows G-8 in France, mobilisations on the 17th May, violence in Mexico and Greece Global launch of the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity Global week of mobilisation and action against capitalism and war Haiti: solidarity with our sisters and brothers Haïtian Women transmit the Charter to Cubans Honduras: International Mission Denounces Brutal Repression Honduras: mobilizations reminds us the 1st year of the military coup and the popular resistance Honduras: repression increases Honduras: violent repression against demonstrators on Zelaya's return II Americas Regional Meeting In Solidarity with Imprisoned WMW Activists in Turkey, African Regional Meeting and Indigenous People’s Summit In the streets of more than 50 countries International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women International Day of Solidarity with women cleaners in Greece International Women’s Day 2013 International Women’s Day, 8th March 2011 Iraq: Women Condemn Attack on Protesters >>>
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April 2008 - News


Civil Society draws attention to the murders on 7th April of activists Teresa Bautista, 24, and Felícitas Martínez, 20, broadcasters of the Community radio station "The Voice that Breaks the Silence" (La Voz que Rompe el Silencio), while on the way to participate in the State Meeting for the Defence of Oaxacan Peoples Human Rights. We denounce the widespread repression and criminalisation of social movements in the country and particularly towards women, which has continued to grow during the mandate of Felipe Calderon’s government. We also denounce the training of paramilitary groups who act with total impunity in front of the eyes of society, and permitting the separation of the federal government from these crimes. Read the full denunciation here (in Spanish only).

II Hemispheric Meeting against Militarization

The World March of Women joins with the organising committee of this 2nd Meeting to continue the effort to deepen the reflection, diagnosis, analysis and definition of guidelines to face the continental and global threat represented by militarization in an ever more coordinated and effective manner. The meeting will be organized in La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras, from the 3rd – 5th October 2008, prior to the Social Forum of the Americas that will take place from the 7th – 12th of the same month in Guatemala. For further information, read the Meeting’s ‘call for participation’ (in Spanish) or visit the blog

Food Sovereignty

Peasant, indigenous, African descendent, fisher, rural worker and harvester women from 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries met in Brasilia, Brazil on April 9th 2008 on the occasion of the first "Special Conference for food sovereignty, rights and life", carried out in the framework of the 30th FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) America conference. On this day, they expressed their vision of the challenges and proposals necessary for achieving Food Sovereignty. Read the declaration (in Spanish).

Last modified 2008-04-24 06:08 PM
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