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April 2008 - News (Chile, Philippines, Europe)



March criticizes Constitutional Court decision to receive the request of a right-wing group of parliamentarians who called for the banning of distribution of the "morning-after pill" and other contraceptive methods. Read the full statement of the MMM Chile (only in Spanish).


Activists from the World March of Women Philippines and other movements protested on April 4th in front of the Chinese Embassy in Makati to denounce the ongoing Chinese government crackdown against the Tibetan protesters. Read the news (in English)

The World March of Women European Coordination met together from the 4th - 6th April. 50 delegates from the European National Coordinating Bodies, as well as a representative of the International Secretariat (head office in Brazil) participated in the meeting. See complete Press Release (in French)

Last modified 2008-04-18 12:15 PM
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