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World March of Women Political Declaration

We, the members of the International Committee of the World March of Women, meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, from 23 to 29 May 2015, had the opportunity to learn about the organizational efforts and community alternatives being built by our sisters from the World March in Switzerland, as well as to listen to the experiences of our young comrades in the feminist caravan crossing Europe.

We were able to share experiences and thoughts and to gain an understanding of the problems migrant women are facing, like discrimination, stigmatization, the effects of austerity policies and growing militarization and armed presences which bring violence into the lives of peoples and women in both the North and the South.

Together we confirmed the aggressive presence of military forces, terrorist attacks by extremist religious groups and the greed of transnational companies plundering and evicting people from their lands, controlling them, employing sexual violence and causing forced pregnancies, illnesses and pollution of the natural goods of indigenous peoples all over the world.

In addition to the above, the consequences of climate change and state policies are causing extreme poverty, destroying public services and engendering unemployment and homelessness, which in turn lead to increasing migration and human trafficking, exploitation and death.

All these problems are a result of the patriarchal, capitalist and neo-colonial system which keeps using women, peoples and nature as objects and chattel for exploitation and the accumulation of wealth, which creates and deepens inequalities between countries and regions.

In this context, we welcome the fact that, in 30 countries around the world, from the North to the South, on International Women’s Day on 8 March and during the 24 hours of Feminist Action on 24 April, we denounced transnational companies, expressed our solidarity with victims and called for justice and reparations for the women who died in Rana Plaza, Bangladesh, and for workers in every corner of world.

We salute the resistance and organization of communities, indigenous peoples and social movements that are achieving progressive political change in certain countries, and in which women have played a crucial role, bringing hope to the people.

We call for the continuation of our organization and participation in the 4th International Action of the World March of Women, to advance the development of alternatives for the lives of the planet’s peoples and women.

We will be on the march until women are all free

International Committee of the World March of Women
Geneva , 28 May 2015
Last modified 2015-06-24 03:45 PM
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