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Call to struggle against threats to rights conquered by women in the UN

Feminist organizations such as the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) and the Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID), that accompany the process of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), reported that this month the commission failed to adopt the conclusions of its 56th meeting on the basis of safeguarding 'traditional values' at the expense of women's fundamental rights and freedoms.

Faced with this situation, we from the World March of Women joined the initiative promoted by these organizations to say NO to the re-opening of negotiations of international agreements on women’s rights already established, and we call upon governments to demonstrate their commitment to the protection and enforcement of women’s fundamental rights and freedoms. Click to read the statement in: English, French, Spanish.

The statement will be sent to UN Member States, the CSW, the media and other relevant development and human rights bodies within the UN.

We invite you to share the statement with your contacts and to sign up to it by the 5th April, by clicking here.

Last modified 2012-04-03 08:17 PM
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