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WMW participates in anti-NATO actions in Portugal

The next NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) summit will take place in Lisbon, from the 19th to the 21st November, to discuss their future and adopt their new “strategic plan”. With peaceful civil disobedience actions, marches, debates and poetry, activists from around the world will carry out a simultaneous counter-summit to denounce the military intentions of the NATO participating governments and to demand global peace, disarmament and the end of NATO.

As part of the anti-NATO summit, the World March of Women is organising a public debate called "Militarism rhymes with patriarchy and capitalism", to be held on Friday, 19th November at the IPJ Moscavide (Rua de Moscavide, Lt 47 - 101), at 9pm. The activity is part of the WMW European Coordination Meeting, which will take place from the 19th to the 21st November. For further info:

The WMW will also participate in the international demonstration "NO to war, NO to NATO", on Saturday, 20th November (concentration in the Praça Marquês de Pombal, at 3 pm).

The program of the anti-NATO summit can be read on the following websites:
- English:    
- Portuguese:   
- Spanish:    
- French:   

Other activities against NATO are being carried in other parts of the world such as the People's Summit against war and militarism, to be held in Montreal, Quebec, from the 19th to the 21st November (see news in French at

Last modified 2010-11-17 09:07 PM
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