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The Swiss caravan

By Michèle Spieler

From June 10th until June 14th, the Women’s Caravan crossed Switzerland from border to border on board of a small van decorated in an artistic and original way. It was gaudy and noisy, just to draw the attention everywhere we were going. The local groups could join it by going to meet it, taking advantage of it on the spot during its stops, but could also accompany it on the continuation of its route. This way, more than 30 events in about twenty municipalities took place: marches, seminars, picnics, bicycle excursions, demonstrations, etc.

The departure of the Caravan was on June 10th in Basel, city situated at the edge of the Rhine, a city of border with Germany and France.

The same day, the Caravan stopped in the cities of Möhlin, Aarau and Zurich. In Zurich, it was welcomed by a women's choir named "Die Vogelfreien" (The Outlaws). Later, we showed the film "Les Guerrières" (The Women Warriors), followed by a debate on the women soldiers.

On Saturday, June 11th, the Caravan continued its road and accompanied walkers from Ebikon to join a demonstration in Lucerne. At the same time in Bern took place another demonstration with interventions, music and party. During the demonstration, the women sang a feminist version of "l’Internationale" and chanted slogans. During the party, an exhibition presented pictures of the action of the World March of Women in various countries around the world.

The first city in Switzerland to receive the Charter and the Quilt was Neuchatel on June 12th. They were brought by Bojura Pavlova of Bulgaria. The Charter and the Quilt were exposed on the lake shore. Then, we transported them, during a short demonstration, in a park, where a tree was planted for every women victims of violence or poverty. On the same day, the journey continued by boat through the lake until Morat.

On Monday the activities began in Fribourg with an exhibition of the Charter and the Quilt. These activities were followed by a picnic.

Later during the day, the Caravan stopped in Lausanne where an action for public kindergarten took place. In the evening, on its road for Geneva, the Caravan was welcomed in Morges and Nyon.

While the women’s Caravan arrived at its final destination, activities took place at the same time in different cities in Switzerland. On the occasion of the traditional day of the women’s strike on June 14th, women met for actions in St-Galle, Amriswil, and Bern. In Bern the women distributed symbolically huge golden bars in front of the Federal Palace. These bars represent the 14 billion francs of the National Bank now paid to cantons. Under the slogan "The children are worth some gold" they demanded that this money be used for cantonal and municipal structures of child-minder.

Last modified 2005-06-15 03:25 PM
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