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Support to the social movement in Haiti

The World March of Women supports the Social Movement from Haiti and recommends the government of Duvivier Pierre-Louis /Preval to promulgate the law that establishes the minimum wage in 200 gourdes (US$ 5)
The World March of Women, an organization created in 1999, based in Brazil, that counts with over 5.000 member organizations from about 164 countries around the world, has its attention on Haiti due to the repressive acts of the UN forces of MINUSTHA against the students that demand, in solidarity with the workers, the promulgation by the President René Préval of the law voted by the members of the parliament that establishes the minimum wage in 200 gourdes per day (US$ 5 per day).
The World March of Women is even more shocked with the actions of the UN, once we know that the struggle for economic autonomy of women, who represent 55% of the underemployed workforce of Haiti, can only be obtained with the establishment of a fair minimum wage. This translates into wages able to reduce the gap between the highest and lowest incomes, and can allow workers to provide for themselves and their families. A minimum wage established by law, which may serve as a reference for all the paid work (public or private) and also for the public benefits. Thus, the World March of Women stands for the creation of and strengthening of a non-stop policy of strengthening the minimum wage with a common importance set for all regions and sub-regions.
In accordance to the commitments of the World March of Women to build and reinforce alliances with other social movements, to expose abuses to the workers right and the roll of enterprises in these abuses, we support the fight of the Haiti students who demand the approval of the law which sets the minimum wage to 200 gourdes per day (US$ 5/day). We also seize the moment to draw our attention to the futility of the armed foreign soldiers in Haiti. Therefore, in solidarity with the social movements in Haiti, we demand their retreat of the country.
Viva the social movement!
Viva the feminist movement!
International Committee - World March of Women

Last modified 2009-06-19 02:58 PM
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