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Solidarity action with indigenous women in Quebec


On this 4th October, the World March of Women National Coordination in Quebec (CQMMF) and the Quebec Native Women (FAQ) are organizing an international day of solidarity to honour the memory of missing and murdered indigenous women and call for a national inquiry about this matter.

They require support of women around the world and especially WMW activists to show solidarity with them asking two things:

1) To take part of a photo campaign on social media
To participate in the Day of Solidarity of this 4th October, wherever you are in the world, send us a picture of you with a candle to enlarge our vigils (click to read the call to action). Send your photo to the address stating your name and where the photo was taken (city + country) or share directly to Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #SISvigil

2) Send a letter to the Canadian government to demand a national survey on the situation of missing and murdered indigenous women. The sample letter is available in French, English, Spanish.
You can send the letter to the email

and/or to the following address:
Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
80 Wellington Street, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A2

Please send a copy to: or at the mailing address:
Women's Federation of Quebec
110 rue Ste-Therese, Suite 309 Montreal (QC) H2X 1E6

In the URL you will find a video clip that explains why women of Quebec and Canada are mobilizing and invites women around the world to mobilize in solidarity with them!

In 2015, we, the women of the World March of Women, take back the streets to demand justice. We will be thousands to march in cities and towns across Quebec and the world in a broad popular feminist movement. We will increase our resistance in face of the control over our bodies and our lands by capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism.

We will be on the March, untill all women are free!

Last modified 2014-10-03 03:26 PM
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