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Solidarity with the Palestinian People and Urgent Action June 5th

During the night from Sunday 30th May to Monday, 31st May, the State of Israel carried out another cowardly attack: this time against the Freedom Flotilla carrying plus minus 700 international activists and humanitarian aid (clothes, medical supplies, cement and food) to the Gaza Strip. The violence resulted in many deaths and wounded; we still have no precise information about these numbers.

In the face of this attack, which we vehemently reject, we ask all World March of Women National Coordination’s (NCB) to organize or to join peaceful protest, such as marches and vigils organized by committees of solidarity with Palestinian people, peace movements and other social movements, to demand for an end to the blockade of Gaza and to undertake practical measures to end impunity of Israel for its systematic violation of international law. Alternatively, incorporate this struggle into actions that is already planned in your mobilization calendar.


We know women and children are the first victims of the humanitarian problems caused by the Israeli war against Gaza and the continued oppression policy in the whole of occupied Palestine. We reinforce our support to the Palestinian women, who are working to strengthen its movement as a secular one, aiming to end all kinds of discrimination against women, in an independent society, without foreign occupation.

We especially support the call issued by the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) to organize a:

Global Day of action on the 5th June, the 43rd anniversary of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem (read the full call to action in the attached file).

The campaign calls specially on transport and dock workers and unions around the globe to refuse to load/offload Israeli ships and airplanes, following the historic example set by the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU) in Durban in February 2009 and endorsed by the Maritime Union of Australia (Western Australia). It calls also on the European Union (EU) to suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement, the Mercosur to suspend the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), India to reverse decision to hold negotiations around an India-Israel FTA and to stop arms deals with Israel, and Turkey to impose an arms embargo on Israel.

We request all WMW NCB’s and Participating Groups to inform the International Secretariat (e-mail: about their actions being held in their country against Israel’s brutal attack.

Finally, we would like to express our condolences to the families of all activists of the freedom fleet.

Declaration in English
Declaration in Spanish
Last modified 2010-06-02 02:44 PM
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