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The Global Women’s Rights Charter is a Testament to the Love of Life and the Admiration of the Beauty of the World

By F.G.

Justice, equality, solidarity, freedom and peace are the demands of all human beings on the planet earth.  This was our reason for joining this global movement.  Another motivation was to bring together all women’s organizations inside Iran for solidarity inside the country.   With the effort of 21 groups representing women’s organizations,  we were able to collect pieces from different parts of Iran over the course of 4 months.  Then we organized an exhibit, we voted on the choice of the piece to be sewn to the 40 international pieces.  In the end, that piece was chosen in an atmosphere full of excitement and love.

A belief in the Global Human Rights Charter  which is a testament to the love of life, gave us the determination to begin traveling to India to sew the piece from Iran to the global quilt.  First, there was one person, then two and finally three.  Three women set forth with determined steps.  Despite all the problems we had and could possibly encounter in the future because of the ruling policies in our country, our belief went beyond any barriers.

We flew on July 15th.

India was an unknown and foreign county to us.  But the warmth of Indian women, these struggling women who each had more than 15 years and some up to 30 years of experience in the field of women’s rights in India, took away the feeling of being strangers.  Instead we felt kindness and love.

On July 22 we had a meeting with these dear friends.    Words can not express the happiness which we felt.  When Ms. Roy read an e-mail from Nancy from the office of the World March of Women which had been sent from Brazil, and expressed her happiness about our presence, an indescribable passion and happiness filled us.  We thanked them for assisting us in joining the march.

July 23 was a great day for the three of us.  It was the day when we had to sew the piece from Iran to the global quilt and proclaim that we demanded justice.  The three of us, Iranian women, proclaimed:  Abolish racial discrimination, Down with misogynist laws.

The moment of delivering the piece arrived.  My entire body was shaking with happiness and there was a lump in my throat.  The sense of honor which had been gained by all the women of Iran was indescribable.  The  Nobel Peace Prize candidate for 2005 approached us and took the piece from Iran which was accompanied by  the indescribable sense of pride which had filled both of us.  I will never forget this moment as the happiest moment of my life.  Iranian women were able to join the global movement, a task which we had not been able to perform  for 27 years because of Iran’s political situation.  My other two travel mates were  filled with happiness like me.

In her speech, India’s Nobel Peace Prize candidate said that the presence of Iranian women in this ceremony has made them happy.  They were proud that we could come this far to declare our solidarity.  She thanked Iranian women.

There are moments in each person’s life which may not be repeated because of the shortness of life.  For us three friends who had attended this event on behalf of Iranian women’s organizations, this moment occurred.    The hands of an Iranian woman sewed the piece to the global quilt.  We were there with pride and honor to salute all women.

We returned to Iran with a bundle of experiences.  We returned with the determination to strengthen unity among women’s organizations and to struggle further in support of the 5 principles of the charter which we believe in.

Equality is the right of women and men
Justice is the right of all human beings
Solidarity is the realization of demands
Freedom is emancipation from the yoke of those who worship darkness
Peace is the dream of all orphaned children no matter how they have lost their parents

Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM