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Porto Alegre 2012: declaration of Social Movements Assembly

The WMW participated at various activities held during the Thematic World Social Forum “Capitalist crisis, social and environmental justice”, held in Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil, from 24 to 29 January 2012. In this space, we have reinforced our process of alliance with other social movements that are struggling against capitalism, patriarchy and racism which now is hidden under a green mask (the concept of “green economy”).

As part of our alliances, we reinforced our common axis of struggles decided in 2011, in Dakar: against transnational corporations, for climate justice and food sovereignty, against violence against women and against war, colonialism and militarization of our territories. Along 2012, these struggles will be strongly present at the protests againt NATO and G-8, the People’s Summit parallel to the Rio+20 UN conference and the Free Palestine Social Forum.

As a result of the Social Movements Assembly, we are also building a common day of action on the 5th June aiming to send a strong message to each of our governments before the UN conference Rio+20, in which we will highlight our position against the commodification of nature, of our lives and our bodies and affirming our alternatives.  

Click to read the Porto Alegre 2012 declaration of Social Movements Assembly in:
English; French; Spanish; Portuguese  

We will soon send further news on the activities held in Porto Alegre.

Last modified 2012-02-01 02:11 PM
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