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WMW IC member is deported from South Korea

On the 8th November we sent a WMW declaration denouncing the deportation of activists (including a WMW activist, Nice Coronación) who were trying to enter South Korea to take part in events parallel to the G20 meeting in Seoul. A Korean visa was also denied to Bushra Khaliq, Pakistani activist who was also going to represent the WMW in Korea.
Since then, the South Korean government, on behalf of the other G20 countries, has once again acted to supress criticism and democratic debate, by refusing the entry of our IC member, Jean Enriquez from the Philippines, into the country. She was deported back to Manila on the 10th November, very early in the morning.
We denounce the humiliating treatment to which Jean and other Philippines activists have been subjected by the South Korean government. We will continue to struggle against the G20 and the capitalist, sexist, racist system which it represents.
Women on the March until we are All Free!

Click to read Jean Eriquez's account on her deportation and the paper of the presentation she would do in Seoul. Read as well texts of other participants of the forum "Looking for 'the alternative and resistance' against neo-liberalism and for women's life", carried out from 8 to 10 November, from Korea, Japan and China (only in English).
Last modified 2010-11-13 02:40 PM
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