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Newsletter, August 2007


Dear Women,


To start this issue of the newsletter, we have good news about our internal affairs. We now have financial support for the basic operations of the International Secretariat from various organizations, including a three
year agreement. Soon, we will publish the names of those organizations in the newsletter under “support” so you can monitor closely and share our appreciation.

Our next step is to strengthen our regional work. In this newsletter, we have news from the European Coordinating Bodies. In Latin America, women from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Haiti, México and Peru recently formed a work group on feminist economic alternatives. Women in South Asia are organizing a meeting of the National Coordinating Bodies in the sub-region. In Africa women are preparing another tour of the Solidarity Quilt, starting with the African Great Lakes region, where the Quilt and the fabric version of the Charter unfortunately did not arrive in time for the 2005 actions.

Meanwhile, we have strengthened our movement and continued to build on our alliances, for example, with the struggle against Free Trade Agreements and the World Social Forum. The WMW’s experience of a decentralized international action will be quite useful during the WSF’s week of global actions in January 2008.

The International Committee of the World March of Women will meet in early

October near Coimbra, Portugal. In this meeting we will continue in-depth discussion of the action areas, regional work, finances and the preparation for the 7th International Meeting of the WMW. We will also start formulating proposals for our international actions in 2010. We want to keep what was
positive from our past experiences; involve a larger number of women and grassroots groups, continue to decentralize the organization, and build on the unity signified by the logo and our creativity. It may seem that 2010 is far off, but it is time we started thinking about what kind of action the World Women’s March will construct, as a movement that matters in the current local and international context.

This text can be found at the web page Newsletter. You can consult the last number of August 2007 in pdf. format.

Last modified 2007-09-04 01:00 PM
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