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Reception of the patchwork quilt in Mali


The esplanade of the Culture Palace accomodated on Tuesday October 11th the ceremony of the hand over of the international relay between Senegal and Mali. The Senegalese delegation was comprised of only one person, Mrs Yassine N'Diaye, from "Sigui Djiguen”, the organization piloting the World March in Senagal. The ceremony was presided by the First Lady of Mali, wife of the President, in presence of women ministers, a few men, some district mayors of Bamako and other notables of Bamako.

Importants facts:

  • Speech of welcoming by the mayor of the 5th district
  • Handing over of a diploma to five mothers, by children of an orphanage
  • Testimony to the women, by the mayor of district 3
  • Poetry about the place of the woman in the society
  • Reading of a technical note on the World March of Women and the 5 values
  • Beginning of the sewing of the patchwork by the First Lady of Mali

All those actions were held on the rhythm of the instrumental ensemble of Mali, following the Women anthem. Although it is the month of Lent, the party was great, the tape may be a proof!

Last modified 2007-06-18 02:43 PM
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