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World March of Women condemns Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, Palestine

The World March of Women condemns the extreme violence used by Israel in the Gaza Strip and demands the immediate cessation of all hostility in this and other Palestinian territories.

For more than sixty years, with increasingly deteriorated conditions of life, the Palestinian population suffers daily in a state of apartheid: illegal expropriation, brutal detention, discrimination, harassment, considerable limitations to access of basic rights… The systematic violence thousands of Palestinian men and women withstand every day must be halted immediately, and the international community cannot continue to remain silent.

Israeli authorities, relying on their army, have recently intensified the escalating violence and brutal attacks on the rights of Palestinian civilians. A week ago, ignoring all international appeals, Israel launched a military offensive in Gaza called – Operation Protective Edge – which has already claimed the lives of many, including children, and caused serious material damage to the (already precarious) civilian Palestinian infrastructure.

The World March of Women expresses its solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters, and resolutely demands the immediate cessation of all attacks. Consequently, it also requests the International Community to react conclusively in fulfilling their moral obligations of protecting the Palestinian civilian population, and work in a coordinated manner to ensure the accountability and prosecution of those responsible for this massacre.

Women of the World, we are on the march until we are all free!

Please, read as well:
- Union of Palestinian Women's Committees (UPWC) Statement: in English, Français, Castellano
- UPWC urgent call for action: available in English and Castellano

Last modified 2014-07-17 03:32 PM
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