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Urgent call for action - Union of Palestinian Women's Committees

July 2014
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The union of Palestinian Women's Committees as one of the active women organizations in Palestine is calling for urgent actions around the world to stop the massacres and the massive military violence against our people. This ongoing phase of massive oppression started in the middle of June when the Israeli forces invaded the whole West Bank and began a campaign of arresting people, house demolitions and massive killings. In Al-Quds (Jerusalem) a group of settlers kidnapped the child Mohammed Abu Khdeir and burned him to death. For the eighth day Gaza strip is under unbelievable massive military attacks by the strongest weapons in the world, massacres don't stop in Gaza; the number of the martyrs is raising every minute thousands of our people are displaced or injured, all of these crimes are happening with support from the Imperial states led by USA. More than half of the martyrs ore women and children, even the care house of disable girls was attacked and destroyed by rockets so their bodies were cut to pieces.

It's time to stop counting victims in Palestine and to support our people's struggle and resistance until freedom and independence, it’s time for actions for more pressure on the government and the international community, to be responsible towards our people and to stop immediately the aggressive wore against us. That begins with international temporary protection from the Zionist colonial power.

While we are writing this call we send our thanks for all women and men, groups, organizations, unions, parties, and movements who started their actions in many places, we depend on you support

With solidarity,

Union of Palestinian Women's Committees - Palestine

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2014-07-17 03:22 PM
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