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WMW International Newsletter n. 01, March 2013

2013 marks the 15th anniversary of our first International Meeting, when we defined our first platform of demands and forms for common actions. It is also the final year of the Brazilian National Coordinating Body hosting the International Secretariat of the World March of Women. We will be taking advantage of this moment to assess what we have built together, the challenges facing the feminism of today and the trends arising for the future.

The perpetuation of armed conflicts has affected our actions in many ways, such as when our sisters in Kenya and Mali were unable to organize their March 8th activities as they wanted, due to the situations in their countries. Responses to the causes underlying these conflicts – territorial monopolization – continues to mobilize us in many countries, as we will see in this newsletter. We will also look at the different offensives launched by the instruments of patriarchy and capitalism: the attack on workers’ rights, sexist violence, and the various obstacles to women being able to freely enjoy their own sexuality.

We need to continue analyzing and discussing how feminism as a whole is responding at this time. We must ask ourselves what it means when the female executive directors of the social networking industry announce a movement to reconcile personal life and work life, and when private corporations’ foundations announce a movement to end violence against women in the next few years.

Women – who have been balancing care-taking and work on the marketplace for millennia, at the price of their rest or leisure time, those same women who have been resisting and denouncing all forms of violence experienced by our gender – know that what is actually needed is an overhaul of the systems by which society is organized. They have invented movements, just as they invented new practices for organizing their lives. Each of us has experienced times when we felt free from obligation, when we realized that it is possible to have a society based on the sustainability of life and nature. One of those moments is when we occupy the streets, as we did on this March 8th, like so many others before it.

Read at this issue:
- 9th WMW International Meeting: Dates finalized!
- March 8th: Turning our grief into strength!
- WSF 2013: Strengthening women’s resistance in Tunisia

And more:
- Young women of Europe organize to defend their right to decisions about their bodies
- Turkey: Pinar Selek case requires our attention
- Killing of three Kurdish activists: We demand justice!

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Last modified 2013-03-19 07:51 PM
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