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WSF Free Palestine: focus on solidarity strategies


Since the start of the year, social movements, associations and Palestinian solidarity fronts in Brazil and around the world have been working on mobilization and preparations for the World Social Forum Free Palestine, scheduled for November 28 through December 1, 2012, in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The objectives of the forum are to:


1. Show the strength of solidarity with the Palestinian people's calls to action and the diversity of initiatives and actions aimed at promoting justice and peace in the region;


2. Create effective actions to ensure Palestinian self-determination, the creation of a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital, and the fulfillment of human rights and international law, by:

a) ending Israeli occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall,

b) ensuring the fundamental rights and full equality of Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, and

c) implementing, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties, as stipulated in UN Resolution 194; and


3. Provide a space for discussions, exchanges of ideas, strategizing and planning, in order to improve the structure of solidarity.


The forum will hinge on five main points:

  • Self-determination and right of return
  • Human Rights, International Law and prosecution of war criminals
  • Strategies of struggle and solidarity - boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel as an example
  • For a world without walls, siege, racist discrimination and patriarchy
  • Palestinian Popular Resistance and the support of social movements


We at the WMW are actively participating in the Brazilian Organizing Committee and its Secretariat. Below, we share with you news about the opening of registration for the forum and we request all to share these among your contacts.


We also request you to inform us if  you are engaged in activites carried out in your countries on the 29th November, international day of solidarity to Palestine, or if you will be taking part in delegations coming to Porto Alegre.


The International Committee and the Secretariat are discussing with other women’s organization de preparation of a self-managed women's activity within the context of the event and a WMW event as well. As soon as we have further details, we will be informing you.

For more information about the WSFFP, please visit the website at

WSF Free Palestine: register now your organization and/or your proposed activity!

Last modified 2012-10-04 01:39 PM
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