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The second edition of the Young Feminist Summer Camp has started!

This year we are more than 50 young women from 12 different countries and territories: Romania, Basque country, Turkey, Catalonia, France, Armenia, Italy, Germany, Norway, Galicia, Portugal and Switzerland. There are also participants from Brazil and Chile to strengthen our camp.

Some young women recognise each other from last year's camp and many new participants have joined the gathering. We are excited to be together sharing our experiences, supporting each other in our feminist struggles and building an international young feminist movement!

This year the camp is organised slightly differently. Unfortunately, the camp ground that was originally planned was cancelled at the last minute for political reasons and so instead of tents we are sharing a few cabins. This means that our desire for self- management has not been completely achieved, but it also means that we can sleep in beds and have hot showers, which is also not such a bad thing!

We have started our third day of the camp and we're already immersed in various workshops. Safer-sex; Political Lesbianism; Women and the Environment; Women, Militarisation and Peace; Radical struggles against sexual violence, etc, are only a few examples of the subjects we have started to tackle. We will have a few more days of workshops, plenary sessions and a protest on Saturday.

Also, 30 more girls from Rumania and other countries will join us over the weekend for more activities and discussions. We are all very excited to be here and each of us has worked hard (especially the Romanian team) to make the camp happen. It has not been without difficulties: in a Europe shaped by crisis and austerity policies, many of us as young women find ourselves in precarious situations.

We have also had difficulties with immigration officials to obtain visas for some of the international participants from the global South. As was the case last year, some young women have already so much to do with their struggles at home, that they could not participate in the camp. We particularly salute our Greek sisters.

Nonetheless, we are pushing forward our desire to create a permanent international young feminist movement! 

We'll keep posting information, photos and texts in our blog:

and photos on ‘tumblr’:

We're also twitting during the camp under the hashtag #YFSC.

Last modified 2012-08-10 05:48 PM
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