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<<< The Global Women’s Charter for Humanity in Bulgaria The Global Women’s Rights Charter is a Testament to the Love of Life and the Admiration of the Beauty of the World The meeting in pictures The next international Secretariat will be in Brazil The Relay of the Charter in Sudan The second edition of the Young Feminist Summer Camp has started! The Swiss caravan The VII International Meeting has started! The WMW at the United States Social Forum The WMW in the Klimaforum, Copenhaguen The World March At A Turning Point The World March is at a Turning Point The World March of Women at the WSF 2011: commitment with global mobilization and solidarity with women’s struggle all over the world The World March of Women began its 4th International Action The World March of Women condemns the attack on Iranian women on March 8, 2006 The World March of Women in Chihuahua The World March of Women in the World Social Forum 2006 The World March of Women manifests indignation at the coup d’etat attempt in Equador Thousands of Cancuns; Nyeleni newsletter Towards Rio+20: Women in the fight against the commodification of nature and life! Trial of activists arbitrarily detained in Turkey begins Tunisia, WSF 2013: Declaration of Social Movements Assembly Until Palestine is free! VII International Meeting: call to action and declaration We are all Honduras, We resist! Website Blocked! Website of the WMW Third International Action is already available! Week of Mobilization to Stop Corporate Crimes and Impunity WMW actions along March; People’s Summit on Climate Change WMW appeals to the Government of India: women should not be used as sex objects >>>
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WMW Newsletter n.01/2012

The 8th March was defined as International Women’s Day in reference to the Russian women’s march for Peace, Bread and Land in 1917, demands that are still very up-to-date. On this 8th March, we women will be in the streets to demand negotiated solutions to conflicts, and for the end of the criminalisation and repression of people’s struggles. We will occupy street squares to denounce the financial crimes that have caused this grave economic crisis and the huge transfer of public resources to banks. The objectives of the false solutions to these crises – be they economic, environmental or related to food prices – are to create markets and to force a loss of rights and life quality upon workers, or to reduce our hopes of attaining them.
We women will be out in the streets to affirm the real solutions to the crises; solutions that we have been constructing as part of our collective and daily experiences, motivated by our desires for changes, and based on solidarity, justice, peace, equality and freedom.

In this issue:
  • Women struggling against the commodification of life and of the environment!
  • WMW Peru mobilizing for water and life
  • Alternative World Water Forum 2012
  • International solidarity prevents expropriation in Apodi, Brazil
  • WMW actions in India and Nepal: focusing on the struggle against violence and for women’s rights and participation
  • Erratum: Filipino independence and the struggle of Filipinas
  • WMW joins protests in solidarity with Greek women
  • Video: Effects of the crisis on women
  • In Portugal, the WMW on the alert for attacks on women’s achievements!
  • 2nd European Young Feminists Camp…
  • WMW at the Thematic Social Forum – Capitalist Crisis, Social and Environmental Justice
  • Solidarity with Palestine
  • South Asia Social Forum 2011: hope for the creation of a new Asia

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Last modified 2012-02-29 06:05 PM
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