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Newsletter n.08 - December 2010

After many months of mobilisation, fund-raising and preparation, followed by actions and activities in 68 countries around the world, it’s hard to believe that our 3rd International Action has come to a close…

As 2010 ends and 2011 begins, we reflect on our strengths, our weaknesses and our next steps as collectively organised feminists. We are conscious of the contradictions we have faced as we construct and consolidate our international movement, particularly given the socio-economic-political context – the rise of the right and the increased militarisation of our societies, the economic and other crisis of capitalism, attacks from diverse conservative sectors of society on our rights as women and workers – in which we have struggled and worked during the last 12 months. But we are proud of our resistances at local, national and international levels, of our capacity for mobilisation, and of the feminist alternatives that we continue to construct.

In this, our last international newsletter of the year, as well as the last edition of our special 3rd International Action newsletter, we sum-up our 3rd International Action in numbers, photos (the link to a video on the website), an invitation to read our international evaluation document of the Closing Event in Bukavu, and news of our struggles alongside allied alter-globalisation movements during the year.

We wish you a special and joyful end-of-year period, and the chance to ‘recharge your batteries’ in preparation for the next 12 months of marching ahead of us...

Women on the March until we are All Free!

This issue covers the following topics:
- South Kivu Evaluation
- DR Congo Photos
- The 3rd International Action in Numbers
- European Meeting: 2010 Evaluation and Plans for 2011
- WSF 2011, Dakar, Senegal
- The struggle continues!

Click to download the full version in PDF (with photos) in: English, French, Spanish
Last modified 2010-12-23 07:34 PM
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