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WMW Newsletter n.06 - August

Returning from Colombia and preparing for our Event in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we have become ever more aware of the similarities between the causes and consequences of conflicts in different continents. In both countries there are coltan and gold mines, forests and water sources in areas where indigenous and peasant communities have been living for centuries. These communities begin to be displaced once different armed groups arrive, followed by transnational mining and mega infrastructure projects which correspond to corporations' rather than people's needs.

Violence against women is routinely used as form of control by those who control territories. Further more, women are considered guilty for the violence they suffer. In South Kivu, women seek health services on average only three years after the violence having taken place, and only to treat the physical consequences. In Colombia, public services do not recognise the violation of children and adolescents if the sexual violence did not result in the seperation of their hymens.

The recognition of common experiences has mobilised our sisters in Korea, a country where women living in prostitution camps during the Korean war denounce the violence they suffered: "my body was not mine, but owned by the government and the United States military”. However, when we resist, we recover our bodies and our lives.

Read in this number:
Why DR Congo? Towards the closing of the 3rd International Action!
Americas Action: Women Struggling Against Sexism, Capitalism and Neoliberal Terrorism
Debate and agenda for a common struggle
August 23rd around the world
17th October: Global Day of Action

Click to download the full newsletter in English, Castellano, Français 

Last modified 2010-09-14 06:54 PM
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