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Mesoamerica: the struggle against agribusiness and free trade and for food sovereignty

The interests, progress and impacts of transnational agribusiness in the Mesoamerican region have been the main focus of the Regional Forum Against Agribusiness and for Mesoamerican People's Sovereignty, that happened in the 4th and 5th June 2010, where many social movements like the World March of Women, Via Campesina and Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean, got together.

Facing the current crisis, the meeting reinforced the necessity of working in alliance to create new forms of survival, solidarity, sustainability and sovereignty, building alternatives.

The movements involved in the meeting together have established an agenda of joint political action  in Mesoamerica for the resistance, mobilization and transformation that includes, among other things, the confrontation of the various threats disguised in Free Trade Agreements and Association and Investments Agreements between Central America and the European Union..

The declaration also affirms Food and Energy Sovereignty and the rights of everyone to drinking water, territories free of OGM's, transnationals, militarization, criminalization and violence against women.

At the forum, the movements expressed their support to the call of the National Front of Honduras, which declared June 28 as a day of direct action against the coup, globalizing solidarity against the criminalization of social movements in the Mesoamerica's region.

Click to read the full Declaration of Santa Cruz Michapa (in Spanish).

Last modified 2010-06-09 04:58 PM
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