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Our Website Has Changed


Dear friends,

We have changed our web site to include all of the elements that the World March of Women has published to date.

The information on our 2005 world actions (the sections on the Relay of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity, the Charter in different languages, the Solidarity Quilt squares, the 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity action, the Solidarity Blog and Writers’ Comments on the Charter) are now found in OUR ACTIONS/2005.

 The list of countries/territories and participating groups of the World March that were formerly visible from the first page of our site, with 5 folders (Africa, Americas, Asia/Oceania, Middle East/Arab World) are now found, in the same format, in the STRUCTURE section.

The audio files have been grouped together with photos and video material under the heading “Multimedia”.

You will find below the new plan of our website.

1.  Who We Are

       -        What is the World March of Women

       -        Our Goals as adopted at the 3rd International meeting, October 5, 2001

       -        Our values (Declaration of Values, adopted during the 4th international meeting in New Delhi March 2003)

       -        Women's Global Charter for Humanity, adopted during the 5th international meeting in Kigali, Decembre 2004

2.  Our Demands

       -        17 demands to eliminate poverty and violence against women, adopted in 1998 and revisited in 2001

       -        National demands adopted by the countries/territories in 2000

3.  Structure of the World March of Women

       -        Internal Committee (IC)

       -        Collectives                                                                     

                1.      Alliances and Globalisation

                2.      Communications

                3.      Peace and Demilitarisation

    -          Working Groups

                1.      on Violence Against Women and Sex Trafficking

                2.      on Feminist Economic Alternatives 

                3.      on the Rights of Lesbians

    -          National coordinating bodies and participating Groups

               1.      Africa

               2.      the Americas

               3.      Asia/Oceania

               4.      Europe

               5.      Middle East/Arab World

       -        International Meetings

                1.      Montreal, Québec, 1998

                2.      New York, United States, October 18, 2000

                3.      Montréal, Québec, 2001

                4.      New Delhi, India, 2003

                5.      Kigali, Rwanda, 2004

                6.      Lima, Peru, 2006

       -        International Secretariat

4.  Main Issues of Interest

       -        Poverty

       -        Violence

       -        Peace and Demilitarisation

       -        Sex Trafficking

       -        Lesbian Rights

       -        Women and the Economy

       -        Alliances and Globalisation

5.  Our Actions

       -        2000

            -          March 8, 2000, launching of the World March of Women

            -          March 8 - October 17, actions in the countries

            -          October 15, 2000, demonstration in Washington

            -          October 16, 2000, meetings with the World Bank's President and the International Meeting Fund's managing director

            -          October 17, 2000, meetings with the United Nations representatives and marches throughout the world

    -          2001, Participation in the Second Peoples' Summit of the Americas

    -          2002, Participation in the World Social Forum 

    -      2005

            -       Women's Global Charter for Humanity

            -       October 8  - March 17, 2005 : World Relay of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity

            -       Patchwork Quilt : Squares made during the Relay of the Charter

            -       October 17, 2005 : 24 hours of Feminist Solidarity

            -       Solidarity Blog, October 17, 2005

            -       Writers comment the Women's Global Charter for Humanity

6.  Members

       -        Become a member of the March

       -        Become a friend of the March

7.  Links

       -        To the Websites of the coordinating bodies of the March

       -        To other Websites

8.  Publications

       -        Advocacy Guide to Women's World Demands, 2000

       -        Changing the World Step by Step, 2000

       -        Sexism and Globalization, 2000

       -        Letter to the International Monetary Fund and to the World Bank, 2000

       -        Letter to Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the UN, 2000

       -        In the wake of the attacks on New York City and Washington : Appeal of the World March of Women

                for the Construction of a Just, Equal, Cooperative, Democratic and Peaceful World, 2001

       -       "What kind of financing for what kind of development?", 2002

       -        Women on the March, 2002

       -        G8 and women: Worlds Apart, 2002

       -        Declaration: World Social Forum, Perspective of Women of the World March of Women, 2003

       -        The World March of Women against war in Iraq, 2003

       -        “Your money AND your life”: the World Trade Organization’s premise, 2003

       -        Women's Global Charter for Humanity, 2004

       -        Supporting Document 1 to the Women's Global Charter for Humanity, 2004

       -        Supporting Document 2 to the Women's Global Charter for Humanity, 2004

       -        Economic Alternatives

       -        A Change of Course, The Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) through the Lens of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity, 2005

9.  Newsletters

All of the WMW Internatioanl Newsletters since 1999

10. Multimedia,  Pictures, videos and audio files of the March

       -        Songs of the March 

       -        Photos illustrating the meetings of the March

       -        Photos illustrating the actions of the March (2000, WSF, etc.)

       -        Videos illustrating the actions of the March

       -        Others : Powerpoint, posters, etc

11.  Media

        -         Press folder introducing the World March of Women (for journalists)

        -         Press Releases

        -         Audio interviews that can be downloaded (for medias)

12.  Promotional Material

        -         Postcards for March 8, 2006 
        -         Stickers
        -         Graphic elements
        -         Logo of the March

13.  Contact Us

14.  Site Map

15.  Information on each Country/Territory (under construction)

16.  Search engine (under construction)

Last modified 2006-05-02 06:14 PM
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