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WMW Newsletter n. 02/2014

It was almost a year ago that we came together in São Paulo, Brazil, surrounded by feminist solidarity, light, colour, diversity and inspiration. Together we celebrated our victories and carved out a new path for our movement: the transfer of the International Secretariat (IS) to Africa and Mozambique, and the construction of the World March of Women’s 4th  International Action! We, the WMW, consider this decision – that many could conceive as high-risk – as an opportunity to strengthen our movement. It is with this determination that we Mozambicans undertake this responsibility, with the support of the International Committee (IC), our African sisters and all of you who make the WMW the permanent, essential movement it is, through your actions and sharing.

We have to end women’s isolation, so that, together with them, we may strengthen our movement”, reminded Awa Ouedrago – IC member – during the Conference in Maputo, Mozambique in May that officially marked the IS transition. It is with these words that we rise and go to sleep every day, as we think of these women in Palestine, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Bangladesh and everywhere around the world. For all women and for ourselves, we reaffirm the importance of our struggles for a better world free of violence!

We are making a huge effort to prepare information, documents and materials that will serve as a reference for our 4th International Action. We recognise and value the collective processes of construction and organisation that are taking place in the different world regions, and continue to encourage you all in your work to mobilise other groups and National Coordinating Bodies (NCBs). In this way, our action will be ever more visible and we will be able to make a real impact in the lives of many women, and to influence national, regional and global politicians!

In this newsletter you will find information related to this preparation, such as the 4th International Action decisions taken during the IC meeting, an IS transition update, and other NCB and international information. We thank you for your contributions sent to us from different parts of the world, and we ask you to continue to share your actions with us.

Our struggle goes on, and we will continue on the march until we are all free!

WMW International Secretariat

*The newsletter can be downloaded in: English; French; Spanish

*Read at this issue:
- IC makes progress in preparing the 4th International Action!
- Transfer of the International Secretariat to Mozambique
- Tour in United States debates grassroots feminisms
- Today, we are all Palestinian women!
- Commodification as a focus of actions during the World Cup in Brazil
- Peace goes further than the absence of war
- For a people-centred development model
- On target for a treaty to dismantle corporate power

Last modified 2014-08-19 03:42 PM
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