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WMW Newsletter n.05 - December 2011 - Special issue on the Philippines International Meeting

We are happy to close the year sharing with you information and pictures of our 8th  International Meeting in the last 2011 issue of our WMW Newsletter (no. 05).  It's funny to talk about closing for a year that remains in history as the unfinished spring. To alll those women who in 2011 have created their own times, to all who have occupied the streets and squares we ensure that we will continue to struggle in the joy of knowing that we, together, are changing the lives of women, and changing the world!

WMW International Secretariat

In this issue:
-         8th International Meeting in Philippines: a success! Next destination: Brazil!
-         Our actions in the face of today’s context
-         Approval of the new constitution and by-laws
-         WMW Philippines ensures participants’ immersion in local culture
-         International Secretariat (IS) transfer
-         2010 International Action videos!
-         International Committee (IC) election
-         International coordination of young women
-         The interpreters
-         November 25th: stop violence against women!
-         Alliances expand and strengthen our struggles

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2012 appointment book
As part of its self-financing strategy, the WMW in Chile is publishing its second annual appointment book that, for 2012, will be dedicated to women prisoners who disappeared or were executed during the dictatorship and to the actions of social movements. Reserve your copy by emailing, or find them on Facebook (Marcha Mujeres Chile).

Last modified 2011-12-20 02:36 PM
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